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From the author of the highly rated book “Creating Well Being: The Healing Path to Love, Peace, Self-Esteem and Happiness”and a frequent presenter at national conferences on positive, energy and spiritual psychology and quality of life.

“The Forgiveness Solution: The Whole Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love and Inner Peace” (Jan., 2010)

by Philip H. Friedman, Ph.D.

Many people in the United States and world are depressed, angry, guilty, fearful, ashamed, anxious, embarrassed, fatigued or just plain unhappy. Many people are heavy drinkers or on drugs. Some people are suicidal or even homicidal. Despite millions and billions of dollars spent on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications many people don’t know how to live peaceful, joyful, happy and loving lives. The Forgiveness Solution: The Whole Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love and Inner Peace”, by Philip H. Friedman, Ph.D (Conari Press, $16.95) is the first book to integrate the latest research, practical techniques, and inspiring stories on forgiveness that shows readers how to experience high levels of happiness, joy, love and inner peace that is minimally impacted by outer circumstances. The core thesis of “The Forgiveness Solution” is that underneath almost all emotional problems is one core problem, unforgiveness (grievances, judgments and attack thoughts) and one core solution, which is forgiveness. In this revolutionary book, Dr. Friedman teaches his readers a wide variety of powerful tools to learn how to forgive themselves, others and circumstances.

Although there are many other books on forgiveness on the market none of them brings together in such a skillful way the knowledge of empirical science, spirituality, positive, energy and well-being psychology and clinical research as Dr. Friedman does in the Forgiveness Solution. He demonstrates his experience and expertise with this field of knowledge by summarizing in a clear-cut way with the use of tables and graphs his own research on forgiveness, distress, quality of life and well-being. Readers can also assess where they are in these areas by filling out some simple questionnaires. Moreover, The Forgiveness Solution is written in a clear, easy to read style filled with uplifting and powerful stories, numerous valuable techniques and wonderful quotes from many other authors and colleagues.

There are powerful forgiveness quotes, stories or exercises in the book, for example, from Caroline Myss, Debbie Ford, Jerry Jampolsky, Fred Luskin, Colin Tipping, Everett Worthington, Phillip Mountrise, Robert Perry, the Dalai Lama, DavidPaul and Candace Doyle, Sonia Choquette, Gary Renard, Tony Ponticello and Ken Wapnick. There are also numerous stories from clients demonstrating the changes that took place in their lives when using the forgiveness solution techniques and one illuminating ongoing case study of a client, April, throughout the book. In addition Dr. Friedman describes with excellent pictures the 8 levels of the Positive Pressure Point Techniques which are potent “kissing cousins” to the emotional freedom techniques, though even more comprehensive and effective. As if that wasn’t enough, Dr. Friedman incorporates his knowledge of the Law of Attraction, which he first learned 20 years ago, and the Law of Intention into the Forgiveness Solution.

The stories of troubled individuals, couples and families mentioned in the book includes couples struggling with affairs; individuals who have conflicts with their spouses, boy or girlfriends or bosses; people who are angry at their children, parents or significant others and feeling guilty for it; people who have been raped, molested, rejected or abandoned and feeling depressed; people experiencing the grief and loss of a parent or significant other by death; people on alcohol or drugs and those who feel guilty from having had an abortion.

The Forgiveness Solution is filled with inspirational stories, uplifting quotes, powerful exercises and tools, useful questionnaires, bar graphs, pictures and summaries. It is packed with techniques that will help you to be much more peaceful, joyful, loving and happy, quickly. Sometimes the changes that take place are almost miraculous and occur very fast. Other times the changes are more gradual. Just knowing, however, that there are powerful forgiveness steps available to help you change, can in itself dramatically begin to transform your life.


The Forgiveness Solution: The Whole Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love and Inner Peace,
by Philip H. Friedman, Ph.D (Conari Press, 252 pages, $16.95)
Publication date: January 1, 2010 softcover
ISBN-10: 1573244627
ISBN-13: 978-1573244626